What is Awesome?


Every month, we receive dozens of amazing applications from organizations and individuals with awesome missions. We focus on the applications that stand out and make us pause and revel in their awesomeness. “But what does that mean,” you ask? Overall, we tend to focus on tangible projects that we can’t wait to see come to life.

Specifically, we are looking for:

Wowness: Does it make us say, “Holy coleslaw-on-a-sandwich, that’s awesome!”?
Usefulness: Will the Awesome microgrant make a real difference in getting the project off the ground in the near future?
Niceness: Would the idea make people happy or help people?
Direct and Local impact: Will this project directly benefit the Pittsburgh region or its residents? (The more the better!)

To see what types of projects have won in the past, visit The Projects.

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